The Eye of the Ocean | Part 2

Created by Stockholm17

Custom Playing Cards | Archaeofantasy Novel | Multiplatform Puzzle

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production update, estimated completion and delivery date
12 days ago – Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 06:37:08 AM


I have some news related to production and some pictures to show. I reworked a bit the production overview graphics to give a better understanding:

Production Overview end of August 2025


Initially the completion date was set for mid August, but the factory is taking more time and told me that the production-complete date will be in mid september. The gilding of ALL the decks is demanding more time.

Additionally, I ordered a corrugated protective box for the Windwatcher Tower to keep the assembled product protected during shipping. They will print graphics on one side to distinguish the content.

protective box 

The factory sent me an ugly picture of The Claw tuckbox before the cut, it is low quality, but I can see it is going to be very nice. It looks like that 4 boxes fit on one large sheet.

the Claw tuckbox print before the cut


A little late, they took more time to achieve a great level of quality and details. The metal clasp is ready and painted with the same tone of the gilding.

The content is being printed as we speak, and I guess they will be ready by mid september. Waiting for confirmation.

This video shows the details.


Delivery Estimation

Originally the estimated delivery-to-backers date was set for September, but I have to calculate 25+ days of ocean freight for the decks and the books. Air freight for tons of paper is prohibitive.

To be realistic and based on my experience, I think I can start fulfillment in mid or at the end of October.

When the time comes, I will send out emails via Backerkit asking to confirm or update the shipping address. 

Sorry if it is taking longer, the color proof issues slowed down the production and the metal clasp needed more attention. However, many items are already at the warehouse. Hopefully the decks and the books will be completed at the same time.


Meanwhile, take a look at this UNITY deck live now on Kickstarter. I was honored to draw the Ace of Spades and join this mad gang of playing cards designers and enthusiasts.

3 variants

Dexter Amistad organized and managed this project, gathering as many playing card designers as possible to make this Unity deck. The theme is music and each designer had to interprete the theme with complete freedom.

Therefore the whole deck is very creative and heterogeneous. It is not a "Frankendeck" as the designs are made for this deck and they share the same back design.

uncut sheet layout

I designed the Ace of Spades and decided to feature Cpt Spindel Webber from the Odd Fellow series playing a spade-shaped cello.

Ace of Spades

17 days to go, 370+ backers onboard, funded and rolling!

Project page: here

Thank you for following and for the patience

Stay tuned!


Follow Stockholm17

Production Update: August
about 1 month ago – Sun, Aug 04, 2024 at 08:41:57 AM

Hello everybody!

It is time to give you another production update, and during this month I will give you more updates as we are getting closer to production complete. 

Here is the production overview:

production overview 4th of August 2024

Explaining "in production" status for the cards

I am going to give some clarification about this never-ending status, and why it takes so long. I consider an item "in production" once the files are submitted and the deposit paid.
After that, there are a lot of steps that are not specified, and I am going to give you the list of steps that are included in the production process.

Once the factory receives the final files and the deposit, here is what happens:

  • files review (mistakes, misses, colors, format, bleed ecc)
  • production of the digital proofs (pdf files showing the layout)
  • approval of the digital proofs if everything is ok
  • production of the color proofs (on paper)
  • shipping of the color proofs to the designer
  • color proofs approval or revision. This time we had a delay because the colors were off and I had to wait the factory fixed the problem.
  • pre-press (preparation of the files and set-up of the machines)
  • printing (happening as we speak) of the cards and the tuckboxes (we are here)
  • punching
  • gilding
  • assembling tuckboxes
  • packing the cards in the tuckboxes 
  • cello-wrapping
  • filling the Windwatcher Towers and shrink wrap them

After all these steps I consider the items ready for packing and shipping to the warehouse. Consider transit time and custom clearing takes 25-30 days.

Other Items

The bookmarks are ready and they looks great!

Bookmark, also aid for the quest

During the weekend I signed 900+ uncut tuckbox prints (300 each) and shipped to the warehouse in the US.

uncut tuckbox prints ready for signing

Also, I numbered the cards going inside the Windwatcher Tower. They are already at the factory.

numbered cards for the Windwacher Tower

Additionally, I received the production sample of the Orbis Triplex, the Card Guard, and the Pin

In the following video you can watch

  • signature and numbering process
  • orbis triplex, card guard, and pin in much better quality

That's all for now. The book is still in production, I should get the production sample here in Stockholm in 10 days. They are working on the metal clasp that can be made only when cover and content are ready and assembled.

Thank you for following and for the patience

I wish you a great sunday!


Back from vacation, production update
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 08:26:01 AM


I am back from vacation and I have some pictures to show related to the production. Before the details, here is the production overview

production overview July 2024


The issues with the color proofs for the cards have been solved and the "roadblock" has been removed. I received the new proofs and the colors match the files. 

color proofs - correct colors

Windwatcher Tower

Completed and shipped to the factory for filling when the decks are ready. The paper mimics the sandstone and in these pictures you can see the details. The video speaks for itself and I am very happy with the outcome.

Windwatcher Tower - Paper texture detail


Cover ready, metal clasp almost ready (now you see a 3D printed clasp in plastic as placeholder). They will fix those waves on the spine.

750 units in production.


Orbis Triplex

Completed and shipped to the warehouse. I have videos taken at the factory the quality is low with terrible neon lights. I am waiting for a production sample here in Stockholm.

They told me it works well, the astrolabe might be a little tight, but it spins. The Orbis Triplex will be packed in a box with that tuning for demounted. You will plug it in the hole as shown in the video.


Card Guard and Pin

Ready and shipped to warehouse as well. Another set of low quality pictures, but it is all I got. I will receive the samples soon and shoot a decent video of all the finished metal items.

The back side of the card guard is blurred because the graphics engraved on this side are important for the progress of the quest. :)


One more thing: Anthology Released today!

Live now on my webshop at launch price $79 plus shipping. 688 pages in color with texts, sketches, drawings, and pictures, telling the design process of each deck I designed and produced (or not produced) between 2013 and 2023.

The Eye of the Ocean vol 2 is partially included. Get one to understand what's behind a playing card project. :)

Get one here

S17 Anthology soft cover

That's all for now, thank you for the patience and for reading the updates



Production update (with pictures)
3 months ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 02:21:39 AM


Here I am with some news about the production of the Eye of the Ocean Part Two.

Everything is proceeding, no big delays so far. Here is the production overview.

production overview

Cards and color proofs

Do you remember I received color proofs with a tragic yellow tint on ALL of them?

The factory checked their machines and there was something wrong. They are reprinting them and they showed me a video of the new print of The Claw.

Once I receive and approve them, the production of the cards will start.

I took screenshots because the video is low quality:

New color proofs of The Claw


The tuckboxes are ready, and they will be shipped flat to the playing cards factory. They will fold. glue, and assemble once the cards are ready.

I have some pics from the printer (Boschiero&Newton, Italy)

Malakim (uncut)
Nephilim (uncut)

Orbis Triplex

The wooden bases are ready, I decided to add a laser-engraved text on the edge to make it cooler :)

The text says: ORDO CORVORUM OCULUM OCEANI QUÆRENS (Order of Ravens Seeking the Eye of the Ocean)

The metal components are in production and I am waiting for pictures.

wooden base of the Orbis Triplex


In production, and I decided to upgrade it a little bit. The paper of the inner part of the cover will be colored instead of white. The name of those parts should be "front free paper, end paper, and pastdown". Anyway, here is the picture that explains.

inner color

An interesting release coming in July

Around the beginning of July I will release the Stockholm17 Anthology 2013-2023: 10 years of playing cards projects (Eye of the ocean 2 included, except The Claw and the KS campaign), in a tome of 688 pages and a beautiful soft cover.

Subscribe for updates on

Here is a showcase video:


That's all for now. Once I have news and new pictures I will write another update.

I will be away for 20 days for a deserved summer vacation, but I always have an eye on this project :)

Thank you for following!


Production update: color proofs (not approved)
3 months ago – Fri, May 31, 2024 at 05:09:20 AM


Today I received the color proofs of the decks, and unfortunately they are not approved. I think there is an issue with color profiles and interpretation of the colors, but it is going to be fixed in a way or another.

Fortunately I have the Windwatcher deck as reference and that is printed by the same factory, so the colors will be adjusted.

Before showing some pictures, let's look at the production overview. I'd say we have a minor issue rather than a delay (items in black)... for now.

production overview

The following pictures show why I disapproved the color proofs. You can see a card from the Windwatcher deck, and the color proof under it. 
It looks like all the neutrals and all the colors have too much yellow. Overall they are too saturated, the aquamarine becomes blues, the neutrals become yellowish.

color proof vs Windwatcher deck
back design mini windwatcher on a color proof VS back design of Windwatcher deck
reds become orang-ish
windwatcher mini color proofs VS Windwatcher deck. WAAAAAY YOO MUCH YELLOW

I already wrote a report and we are working to solve the issue.

The tuckboxes are in the making, the orbis triplex is in the making. I do not have news about the books, but everything is in production and paid.

I keep you posted, have a nice weekend!